
AjiPure® Brand Ambassador Inquiries

Thank you for your interest in AjiPure Brand Ambassador Program. We are pleased to announce that Brand Ambassadors will continue to be added to our team throughout 2015, following our review and selection process.
We Want The Best Of The Best
We are looking for loyal, dedicated ambassadors & nutrition experts with a genuine belief in and understanding of premium and healthy nutritional supplements. Our selection criteria is based upon several key requirements including, but not limited to, the following:
  • Your use of AjiPure® nutrition supplements. How often do you use AjiPure® products and why?
  • Your mentions of AjiPure® on social media channels prior to and after applying to be a Brand Ambassador. We feel that if a person is already using AjiPure® products, they are more likely to mention it to their friends and colleagues.
  • Your overall level of engagement on social media platforms. How many people share, comment and like your social media posts?
  • Your sphere of influence within your community. How many followers, subscribers, views, clients, etc. do you have?
What We Will Need From You

As an AjiPure® Brand Ambassador, you have several essential functions and key responsibilities in representing the AjiPure® brand.

  • Provide photos of yourself or your customers using AjiPure® products.
  • Upload the AjiPure® logo to your website / blog / other platforms.
  • Participate, when requested, to be a guest blogger on AjiPure's blog.
  • Follow and interact with AjiPure® on key social media channels (Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram).
  • Tag AjiPure® in social media posts when relevant, and use specific hashtags when asked.
  • Keep the AjiPure® team uptodate on your speaking engagements, lectures, competitions, and if you are an athlete let us know your competition results.
  • Wear AjiPure® logo and branded apparel when applicable.
  • When mutually agreed, exclusively use AjiPure® as your only natural supplement product.
  • Participation, when requested, to help represent AjiPure® at local events.
Ambassador Perks

In return for your help promoting the AjiPure® brand, you will be an AjiPure® insider and receive exclusive perks, including:

  1. Discounts on AjiPure® products.
  2. A friends and family commission program where you can earn cash back directly from AjiPure®.
  3. Welcome kit with lots goodies. (We all love swag!)
  4. Personal recognition on AjiPure's website in the form of a bio, video, blog, etc.
  5. Promotion and exposure of your successes via AjiPure's social media channels.
  6. Be the first in your community to hear about new flavors, products, events, etc.
  7. Support from AjiPure® at your own events, or your own special projects, when appropriate.
Apply To Be An AjiPure® Brand Ambassador
We require the following information from all potential ambassadors. Once you have completed the form, please click the Submit button at the bottom of the page, and we will review your application.

IMPORTANT: If you are not active in social media (or if you do not have a Facebook, a Twitter or an Instagram account) with frequent postings and engagement, it is likely that we will select another ambassador candidate. Social media communications are an essential component and are essential to become an AjiPure® Brand Ambassador. We are interested in building our ambassador team with knowledgeable members who understand the importance of branding and social media engagement, and who also conduct themselves in a professional manner.

If you cannot answer a particular question, simply state: NO BLOG, or NO WEBSITE, etc. If you are an athlete and have not committed to a 2015 competition calendar, then state: 2015 competition calendar under construction.

NOTE: Due to the volume of submissions, it may take 3-4 weeks to reply.
We appreciate your patience and look forward to speaking with you!

Tell Us About Yourself

3.Mobile Phone*
4.Mailing Address*
5.What is your Facebook URL?* (if applicable)
6.What is your Twitter URL?* (if applicable)
7.What is your Instagram URL?* (if applicable)
8.What is your You Tube URL?* (if applicable)
9.What is your Blog URL?* (if applicable)
10.What is your Website URL?* (if applicable)

Tell Us About Your History

11.Please Select One*
A) What is your sport(s) and competition history(past 12 months of event names, locations,placement,etc.)? *

B) What is your 2015 competition calendar?* Please provide as much information as possible for each event/competition, including event name, date(s), location and URL.

C) Are you currently a brand ambassador or a sponsored athlete for any other nutrition (supplement, food or beverage) company? If so, please tell us what company, when your contract ends, and whether your contract allows you to endorse another nutrition company. *

A) Describe how you live a healthy lifestyle and what choices you make to improve your overall health. *

B) Do you attend health seminars / are you a member of any health organizations?

C) Are you currently a brand ambassador for any other nutrition (supplement, food or beverage) company?
If so, please tell us what company, when your contract ends, and whether your contract allows you to endorse
another nutrition company.*

A) Describe how you instruct your customers and clients to live a healthy lifestyle and what choices you ask your customers and clients to make to improve their overall health. *

B) Do you sponsor health seminars / are you a member or leader of any health organizations? If so, explain.

C) Have you recommended amino acids to any of your customers or clients in the past? Do you understand the various benefits of amino acids and / or amino acid therapy?

d) Are you currently a brand ambassador for any other nutrition (supplement, food or beverage) company?
If so, please tell us what company, when your contract ends, and whether your contract allows you to endorse
another nutrition company.*

Tell Us Why You Should Represent AjiPure

12.Provide an answer to EACH of the following:
A) Where do you buy AjiPure products (please be specific)?*
B) Why do you use AjiPure products?*
C) How long have you used AjiPure products?*
13. What goals or objectives do you hope to achieve by using Ajipure products?*
14. Is there anything else we should know about you as to why you would be a great fit for the AjiPure Ambassador program?*
15. What is your t-shirt size?*